Well the year is almost up and it's time to check up and see how I did. *The resolutions are marked with an asterisk:

*I will use only the freshest brand of Wax Paper.
(check - this I achieved with little effort)
*I will spend more time painting on canvas and think BIG.
(half check - I could have painted more. I've put Donald Trump's book on hold 'How to Think Big and Kick Ass'... maybe that will help)
*I will work harder to avoid all nagging details and keep after my dreams.
(half check - could have tried harder. The Devil is in the details...)
*I will paint my way through the forgotten back roads of the West, driving a 1947 Ford. I will sleep in the back seat and eat at picturesque diners.
(no check at all, Dang! And this one sounded really good too.)
*I will search looking for landscapes to capture on canvas in simple shapes with no more than 3 simple colors.
(half a check)
*I will spend two weeks in a moss covered woods, watching owls... I will keep a campfire going day and night.
(check - I did spend 3 days in the moss covered woods... and I saw some owls!)

*I will spend more time living in the past and only occasionally drift into the present.
(check, check and re-check)
*I will wear plaid shirts or blue cotton shirts for weeks on end.
(check - this I achieved with little effort. Boxers changed more frequently, of course.)
*I will unplug my telephone and look for wooded property in the country... with a view.
(check - I did scan the real estate listings. Phone is frequently left off hook.)
*I will visit Paris and London dressed in corduroy and visit out of the way museums and cafes.
(no check at all. And this one sounded really good too.)
*I will move into a houseboat with a mysterious, attractive foreigner who speaks only dutch
(no check at all, Dang! I knew this one sounded too good to be true!)
*I will finally get a new futon frame to put in the basement and toss out the old couch!
(check, check and re-check. However it must be noted that I failed to paint the south side of the house. Must leave something for next year!)