wearing:1 pair long-johns,
1 pair corduroy pants,
1 long sleeved turtleneck,
1 heavy wool shirt,
1 polartec sweater...
1 pair heavy wool socks
1 pair ancient slippers
but it's still too cold!
listening: 1944 radio dramas online... just right, but usually the plots are so predictable.
eating: Oatmeal, raisins, cinnamon sugar & bananas... avec coffee
drinking: Ovaltine
feeding: My hummingbirds lots of sugar... I'm their life support system.
painting: Page 15 of the new book... nothing like a deadline that is exactly due during xmas & new years.
noticed: the full moon... but it was too blinkity cold to mind if it was any bigger than usual or not!
In a moment of weakness I spent 10 minutes rummaging through the cupboards looking for a bag of chocolate chips, to satisfy my cravings for chocolate. I failed.
This is entirely due to the freezing weather, that makes me want to revert to my grizzly bear essence and basically just eat and sleep.
No doubt hibernation is all Nature really expects of me. But un-naturally, the responsibilities of professionalism demand that I wake in the dark of night and drag out to meet deadlines.