June 15, 2008

That rarest of happenings...

That rarest of happenings... a sunny day!  
Can you believe it? 
Such things are known to happen.

Best make hay while the sun shines... so we're off to the local lighthouse.

Last time I was here, there were seals frolicking in the water... but not today.

Just some nifty boats out in the sound... with a scenic snowy backdrop.
It's supposed to cloud up again soon, so it was good to race out in the nick of time. 

This is one of the signs of being a true NorthWesterner...  that is to say a person who panics when the sun come out, knowing full well how brief an event it might be. 


Anonymous said...

Hi John! Can you believe our good luck...2 days of sunshine in a row! :)

Erica-Jane said...

Hi John,

what beautiful photos, and those mountains in the background! Wow!
Glad you're experiencing some sunny weather :0)

Take care,
