January 25, 2008

Icy & Slippery...

There's a new house in the neighborhood. It seems almost like a UFO landed in the midst of mostly plain and modest little clapboard dwellings. It's kind of startling actually.

It startled me the other day... whist walking to the grocery store, down a very steep hill, I was so entranced staring at it's roof-line that I failed to keep my eyes on the icy sidewalk.

Next thing I know my left knee is whacking into the concrete with severe pain...my right leg shot out ahead of me... and there I was, all akimbo, laying sideways on the sidewalk wondering if I'd broken my kneecap or something.

It is truly asonishing how one's mind copes with these situations. Anyhow... I was lying there afraid to move at all when two carpenters came up the sidewalk.

"Look out for that ice!" I warned them.
"Oh I know all about that damn ice!" one of them replied... "It got my knee!"
"Me too!" I shouted, still wracked with pain. "I was looking at the damn house and slipped and fell"
"I was looking at the blueprints when I slipped", replied the carpenter with the gusto of a shared misfortune.

Luckily nothing was broken and I'm fine. I did think it hilarious that the exact same slippery patch claimed two knees in such a short span of time. Both of them distracted by the architecture!

Very icy!


Paige Keiser said...

Oh wow, that could have been bad! Glad you survived the fall in one piece! I pulled a kind of saturday morning cartoon fall on some ice one day when my feet slipped and flew out in front of me. It gave me at least several seconds of air time before I plummeted backwards and smacked the back of my head.

Paige Keiser said...

p.s. beautiful photo of those birds on ice!