I've been a bad blogger... just can't seem to get around to posting anything, as I race the deadline to get the 32 pages of art & cover of my new book done by the end of the year. I've been too busy drawing complicated scenes similar to this one... (which I didn't draw!)

What I wish is that I could get my battery charged a bit by working with other people...
Making a book seems as complicated as making a movie... only we lonely artists don't get the team camaraderie and input in the way moviemakers do. I was watching Charlie Rose interviewing movie makers on TV and I got so jealous, listening to how they all have each other to bounce ideas off of. Then they all get to travel to exotic locations to shoot scenes... and they get to hang out and enjoy one another's company. It sounded like more fun than I'll ever have.

I thought, making a book is like making a movie... only we have to do everything all by ourselves... stuck in our studios. It sure gets hard after a while to keep the creative joyousness bubbling up, even when I'm working on my own story.
Oh well, at least the weather is cooperating... it's too miserable to do anything else but work!
You should move to California. . .
Extended Forecast
Clear Today
High: 83° Low: 52°
Wednesday - High: 81° Low: 49°
Mostly Sunny
Thursday High: 70°Low:44°
High: 69° Low: 45°
High: 77° Low: 46
I have such a hard time sitting in my chair. . .I have a book due February 1st. . .not as complicated as your though
Or Phoenix, Arizona...
Oct 3
Scattered Showers
96°/77° 30%
Oct 4
Isolated T-Storms
93°/73° 30%
Oct 5
90°/65° 20%
Oct 6
80°/61° 10%
Oct 7
82°/64° 10%
Glad you made me check. We will be below 90 degrees this weekend! Woohoo! Than hasn't happened since what, April or May. Oh, and the percentage is chance of rain. We actually have one!! :)
Hang in there. It is tough working alone.
I'm in deadline hell, but I can't seem to concentrate.
I think I have to unplug my internet, lol.
We're having rain, but it's supposed to be a lovely weekend. The temperatures are Way above average here - tee shirt weather, hot, and thunderstorms. Like August.
It's all backwards. August was like November! LOL
I think it is important to work with other people. I just e-mailed my editor and asked her if she'd look at the first three chapters, hoping that her criticism (or, if I'm lucky, praise) will get me going again.
I work well in a vacuum sometimes. But I like to get feedback now and again.
Maybe we can collaborate on something???
I tried California once... but it didn't work.
Truth be told, I actually like this kind of weather... funny how that works.
Yes, those pesky deadlines really make one question the basic premise... asking the question:
Aren't I supposed to be enjoying this?
I think we need 'deadline credits' sort of like 'carbon credits'. Then we can trade deadline time.
If only!....
Too bad my Star Trek transporter is on the fritz. Otherwise I would beam myself over and we could have a big old PITY PARTY!
BOO deadlines...
BOO weather...
BOO isolation...
break out the salsa and chips...
...if I only had some fresh Dilithium crystals for my transporter.... :o)
It's raining here, too.
Well, team work can be nice if the team works, but they won't tell you about all those movies where the lead actress wants to kill the secondary actress because she's prettier, the director wants to kill the lead actress because she's a bitch, the scriptwriter wants to kill the director because he doesn't 'get' art and is only in for the money, and the male lead wants to kill the scriptwriter because he doesn't get enough scenes. :)
Oh yes, I'm sure that's true...
but the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.
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