Sniffing: The scent of woodsmoke, as winter's chill seems well upon us.
Staring at: This blue-daylight-mood-light. Not sure if it even works, but the first step is to try & make the effort at least.
Wishing I could: Hibernate! Why not? It's clearly the better choice... bears do it, turtles do it, why can't I? I'm not sure if the blue light thingy even works...
Dressed in: Polartec... in which I shall remain from now until May most likely.
Wondering if: Tierra Del Fuego really ought to participate in Seattle's sister city program.
Amazed at: Yet one more weird mushroom I've never seen before. You simply would not believe the sorts of fungii that sprout up around here!

Delighted to see: A wonderful pastiche of autumnal colors... muted in the rain.

Noticing with disbelief: All the football games on TV seem to take place in cities where the sun actually shines...
That is an amazing mushroom.
It looks like it was attacked by my grandmother and her ribbon of paper lace, which she tacks up on every spare shelf space.
Oh, I hate daylight savings time. I wonder when we're due to change here? I ought to look it up. They keep saying it will be abolished, so maybe it was this year, lol.
The photo of the trees with the autumn colors is absolutely stunning! You should print that out on canvas and hang above your fireplace or sofa...I know I sure would!! Just gorgeous!!
Please do report if the blue light thingy is helpful! I keep full-spectrum light bulbs over my studio desk with the vague hope that they will increase my brain serotonin levels like full spectrum light (from the sun) is supposed to! Don't think they are terribly good at that aspect of their job.
Fanged mushrooms!?!!? ROCK ON! Very cool! I should put together a separate blog for my hiking/nature pics. Never a shortage of ideas out there! Very cool photo!
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