February 22, 2007

Just like The Little Red Hen...


Just as our miseries are borne in solitude as freelancers... so are our joys. At least mine are... except for this blog, of course, and my 7 readers...

Today is a day for some celebration! I've just finished printing up the first penciled rough dummy to my new book and I am SO thrilled with it! I can scarcely believe I did it all myself.

Thank gosh for crazy ideas that work out... and for happy accidents that make up important directions in life. If I hadn't just happened to check out that particular book from the library that just happened to have the idea for the story that I knew I just had to turn into a children's book... none of this would have happened. It's a story about an early aviator... one who I'd never heard of... one who isn't even in Wikipedia. Hence the secrecy until the date closer to publication. I feel a little like a gold miner who's discovered where the paystreak is hidden. Or maybe I'm all wrong and it's just my talent that makes this story worthwhile. How would I know? I spend all my days alone...

It would be fun to do a series of books about historical characters. Why not? Usually history is far richer than fiction... and it's all there for the picking. I think it's fun to discover historical times and places. And just like the 1,000's of gorgeous buildings in the National Trust of Britain... all waiting to be used for backdrops to movies and PBS mini-series... history is a treasure trove of riches, freely available to anyone who can bring it to life.

I've been fussing over the dummy for weeks... with InDesign & Photoshop. But to finally have all the bits gathered together in one book... printed out and taped up and folded and set into a cover... it really does assume a new magical character. Pages that turn... the story that starts and develops and then is resolved. My own homemade book, soon to be shipped off to the editor.


Of course that's another story, as a whole new avenue of contention might arise. But at least I'll always have today...

I guess every author might always hope that every new book is going to be really spectacular. But this book will HAVE to make some waves! (knock on wood) It's just too big an idea... too amazing a story... all fit into 32 pages. And it's a real 'boy book'. I can testify there's a shortage of those in the girl dominated world of children's books.

And just like The Little Red Hen... I did it all myself!


Anonymous said...

John- WOW, you got this one together fast! There's nothing better than a well done-up dummy. Hope they like it- may there only be minor tweaks in your future!

John Nez said...


And in truth, I've actually finished up that other new book dummy that had me so excited too!

I tell ya'... that InDesign & Photoshop can turn a pile of sketches into a book dummy in no time flat!

Of course I guess I had something to do with it... it wasn't just the software.



Anonymous said...

Good for you John! Oh, I really think you have more than 7 readers of your blog! Love your sense of humor!

June said...

Good grief John, You do work fast! How can the rest of us ever hope to catch up with your creative speed!?
Celebrate the completion of the dummy book today, and I hope the rest that follows is equally worth celebrating with your readers... all 7 of us :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats that is a huge accomplishment! Good luck! Tell us what happens. . .

Sam said...

Girl dominated book world? LOL
The idea sounds great - best wishes for it!!
When I was a kid, I LOVED picture books. I even had my favorite illustrators, lol. Pictures are essential to a kids' book, and yours are terrific!

John Nez said...

Thanks... too kind, too kind.

I need more editors thinking along those lines!


gail said...

Well John, you've piqued my curiosity! At first I tend to think all my ideas are great ideas, but it's when you're able to take them this far and still be excited about it, that you really do have a great one.

Isn't it cool when you get to turn the pages and now your idea is the beginning of a real book! I just mailed off a dummy book so I can relate to what you’re feeling. Although from the sounds of it you put your together pretty darn quickly. That's a claim I can't make!
