Did this printer explode? Or did I just print out a set of soft proofs?

In either event, it can be FUN to finally print out full sized proofs.
I guess for a digital artist the term 'proof' can be thought of as proof that the work actually does exist. That's saying something, I think, after spending weeks just fiddling around in the digital realm. In any case, it's fun to actually lay hands on some real art on paper after making it all on the computer.

I am just thrilled with the color fidelity of the prints I get from my Canon Pixma Pro9000. They look verily like the screen colors. I'm also just thrilled with refilling the cartridges myself for $1 a pop.

Thinking about the whole process of making books, I think aside from the magic of creating art from a blank page, I think a close second in realm of magic is the actual transformation of a book into a REAL object... printed on real paper.
I'm not sure that these ebooks can make the same claim.