January 27, 2017

A Book From the Time of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are always something to wonder about.  For one thing, they're really BIG. But this particular Dino is very easy going and fun.

It's been interesting to recreate the classic art of Syd Hoff for these books about Danny and the Dinosaur. They seem to come from a simpler time... the time of Dinosaurs!

January 22, 2017

Never Lose Hope

On the train yesterday was a child with a tiny pink knitted hat. It was pinned on since it was far too small to fit. She was also wearing a silly backpack and carried a handmade sign. Outside on the station wall was a poster of MLK looking out that read 'Never Lose Hope'. I had to sketch it out from memory when I got home.

So many parents brought their children to the march - and to great effect I would imagine.

Pinklash in Seattle

It was a bright beautiful day to get out and keep hope alive in Seattle.

Last November America got a dose of what Van Jones called 'Whitelash'. Today is what I think might be called a good dose of 'Pinklash'.

It was the largest march and public gathering in the history of Washington state - so that means something!

January 6, 2017

A new year message arrives!

The old year has grown old with woe... but a message arrives from the New Year requesting imaginations to alight and rejoice.  And so we might try... having little choice in the matter.

This is from a hilarious graphic novel sort of story I wrote up. I think it's hilarious... as penguins tend to be.